Kölsch service is the way you might experience Kölsch beer in the city in which it was brewed in Cologne, Germany. Burns Family Artisan Ales is bringing that history and style to our taproom!
Kölsch is served in 0.2-liter [7-ounce] tall, thin glasses called stanges. Köbes [servers] will come around to the tables with krantz [circular trays designed to hold many stanges] and place a full glass of Kölsch next to a glass that is nearing empty so that the drinker never has to wait for a fresh ale.
This guarantees the beer never warms up too much and is always fresh from the tap.
Each time a stange is replaced, a tally mark is written on the drinker’s coaster. Finished drinking? Place the coaster on top.
When you are ready to close out, bring your coaster up to the bar and we’ll close you out for the ticks on the coaster.
Each Stange fill costs $2.75, or $25 for each 10 marks (10 fills.) 'Lost’ coasters will result in a $50 fee.
Service will be available on Sundays from 3-7p, beginning March 26th.
No reservations required. 21+.
Ein Prosit!